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Oil & Gas
Directional Services

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Directional Drilling

Fasdrill provides its customers Measurement While Drilling, Logging While Drilling, Performance Motors and Field Operators. From Vertical wells to complicated Horizontal projects, Fasdrill has the right solution. 

Measurement While Drilling


positive pulse​




multi telemetry survey


gyros, LWD and PWD


performance drilling motors


directional drilling operators

Positive Pulse MWD

surveys in less than a minute with turbo pulse


rugged military connection


wireless receiver


rent and purchase


field operator ready

Turbo Pulser 34.jpg

Electromagnetic MWD

high speed EM transmission


two way em downlinking


wireless receiver


rent and purchase


field operator ready


Multi Telemetry MWD

surveys in less than a minute with turbo pulse


rugged military connection


wireless receiver


rent and purchase


field operator ready


Logging While Drilling

gamma and azimuthal gamma


annular and pipe pressure




rent and purchase


field operator ready

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